Community Programs

We offer a number of programs to the community including workshops, health screenings, benefit eligibility screenings, and holiday programs.

As a community center, an important part of our mission is to strengthen the social networks, family connections, and access to knowledge that help communities thrive. For questions regarding any of our community programs, please contact our Community Programs Director, Ryan Montbleau, at or 617-876-4444.


Infant Necessities Program

For eligible families with children 0-3 years old who are enrolled in East End House daily children’s programming, East End House provides a monthly package with diapers, baby wipes, rash cream, and more . We also provide resources and referrals to services in Cambridge and the greater Boston area for expecting and new parents.

Family Playgroups

Playgroups are on hold temporarily as we recover from the pandemic.

Playgroups are a way for families with children ages 0-5 to get together, play games, and share ideas and stories. They are held every Tuesday from 10:00am – 11:30am at East End House. You do not need to sign-up, just drop by and enjoy the activities and a light snack. Groups are open to anyone with a child under 5 years old. When the weather is nice, we play in the backyard and on cold and rainy days we stay in the community room. Please contact Ryan Montbleau for more information.

Community Computer Classes

In partnership with Tech Goes Home, The Community Programs Office offers free computer classes to community members at varying skill levels. Participants may be eligible for a free Chromebook and one year of free internet access. Please reach out to Ryan Montbleau, Community Programs Director, for information on upcoming classes, enrollment, and scheduling.

Home to Grassroots and Community Groups

East End House collaborates with and offers space to numerous community groups who empower members to make our city a better place to live and work. The East Cambridge Planning Team holds open meetings at East End House twice a month to discuss issues that affect the neighborhood. In addition, many other groups utilize our space for community meetings and activities.

Benefit Eligibility Program

The Community Programs Office offers information and assistance, as well as eligibility screenings, regarding government benefits such as:

  • Mass Health
  • Food Stamps
  • Fuel Assistance
  • SSDI

Powerful Parenting

Powerful Parenting classes are on hold temporarily as we recover from the pandemic.

This workshop series is designed to help parents of children ages 0-4 learn about their child’s development, skills for managing difficult behavior, how to keep children safe and healthy, and the strategies to ensure all children reach their full potential. Curriculum is based on the most current research in child development and presented by experts in the field. For information on the next Powerful Parenting workshop cycle, check out our Upcoming Events page.


The Community Programs Office holds several workshops throughout the year on a variety of topics. Past workshops have included tax assistance, W.I.C. information and enrollment, flu clinics, health screenings, and yoga classes. Please check Upcoming Events for information on current workshops.

Therapeutic Case Management

East End House is proud to offer therapeutic case management services to our families and community members. Our Therapeutic Case Manager is here to work with you to develop individualized support plans that are properly targeted to your needs. The Case Manager also consults with program staff on curriculum development to implement Social-Emotional Learning consistent with the Nurtured Heart approach, which is a strengths-based approach that supports positive social-emotional development. This service is aligned with our theory of change and mission by providing comprehensive, wraparound care to support families and communities in achieving their goals and living happy, healthy lives.

Our Therapeutic Case Manager can assist you with:

  • Assessing your family’s needs and support systems
  • Creating individualized support plans (ISPs) for your family’s unique goals and developing parent education classes
  • Connecting you to internal resources offered by East End House and external programs located within Cambridge
  • Assisting you with accessing government benefits through benefit eligibility screenings
  • Providing education on mental-health skills and parenting classes
  • Planning for crises and helping your family develop coping mechanisms
  •  Coordinating and monitoring the effectiveness of services

Our therapeutic case manager at East End House has been trained in the five promotive factors and the PEAR Institute clover model, both of which are evidence-based practices that guide our work. The five promotive factors focus on building the strengths and resilience of families, including parental resilience, social connections, concrete support in times of need, knowledge of parenting and child development, and social and emotional competence of children. The PEAR Institute Clover Model provides a framework for understanding and promoting healthy development in children. The Model highlights four essential elements that people of all ages need in order to thrive, learn, and develop: Active Engagement, Assertiveness, Belonging, and Reflection. Our case manager uses these practices to support families in achieving their unique goals and improving their overall quality of life.

The Strengthening Families Together Project (SFTP) is a regional partnership that supports and informs our therapeutic case management services. The SFTP is aligned with our mission and is based on evidence-based practices, using the five promotive factors and the PEAR Institute clover model. This partnership helps us provide the best possible support to our families.

Ultimately, our Therapeutic Case Manager is here to support your family’s unique goals through relationship-building, education, and resources in a validating and compassionate space. For more information, questions, comments, and inquiries, please give us a call at 617-876-4444.

For more information on our community programs contact Ryan Montbleau or call us at 617-876-4444.